Dr. Farai Mlambo: From losing both parents at a tender age to a remarkable PhD holder in Mathematical Statistics and a Senior Lecturer.

Meet – Dr. Farai Mlambo, remarkable Mathematical Statistician and Senior Lecturer at Wits Business School. He lost both of his parents at a tender age, and this impacted on him badly.

He got involved in high-school mischief where he was expelled from two schools due to misconduct. Upon receiving advice from his elder brother, Dr. Farai returned to school where he completed his Advanced Level (A-Levels), becoming one of the best students at Chibuwe High School in Chipinge, Zimbabwe in 2007.

In 2008, Dr. Farai received the Zimbabwean presidential award, a bursary to study at a selected university in South Africa, through which he enrolled for the BCom in Economics and Statistics at Nelson Mandela University. He completed his BCom Cum-Laude, obtaining eight academic excellence awards, including the Best Initial Degree Award in the Faculty of Business and Economic Sciences at NMU.

In 2012, Dr. Farai Mlambo proceeded to do his Honours degree in Mathematical Statistics at NMU, this time without a bursary as the presidential award was only for undergraduate studies. He had to juggle his lectures with running tutorial sessions for the undergraduate students to stay afloat, financially.

Dr. Farai’s Honours degree in Mathematical Statistics was awarded the Nelson Mandela University Council’s Best Honours Degree Award in Science, Engineering, and Technology; sponsored by Ford Motor Company, having received an average of 90.8% for this degree and a final mark of 100% for the “Selective Topics in Actuarial Statistics” course.

In 2013, Dr. Farai registered for a MCom in Statistics at Nelson Mandela University. During which he received two contract teaching positions from the Department of Economics (to teach 1st year and 2nd year Economics) and the Department of Statistics (to teach 1 first year Statistics course and 1 third year Mathematical Statistics course) at NMU.

This opportunity became life changing as Dr. Farai Mlambo got exposure to his first role as a Lecturer. This time around, he also received the Department of Science and Innovation (DSI) – National Research Foundation (NRF)’s Innovation Masters Scholarship Award, which greatly helped him to complete his Masters Cum-laude and present his finding at the European Simulation and Modelling Conference in Portugal. During his Masters, he also had an opportunity to spend some time in France on a research visit.

In 2015, Dr. Farai enrolled for his PhD Mathematical Statistics at NMU (having received the DSI-NRF Innovation Scholarship Award) where he was also teaching a third year Mathematical Statistics course.

During his PhD, Dr. Farai received a full-time job offer from the School of Statistics and Actuarial Science at Wits University where he has taught several undergraduate and postgraduate courses from June 2017 until June 2024.

Dr. Farai received two teaching excellence awards at Wits University, after being voted by his students as the best Lecturer in the Business Statistics course (a course with an enrolment of about 1200 students yearly), which he also coordinated for 6 years.

Dr. Farai Mlambo completed his PhD in 2019, having received the Best Paper Award at the European Simulation and Modelling Conference in Spain and been on a research visit in France through the NFR-Protea Campus France funding.

Dr. Farai, though a young academic, he has taught more than 5000 students who have gone on to become Statisticians, Actuaries, Psychologists, Accountants, Financial Analysts, Lawyers etc. He has supervised about 16 postgraduate students to completion at Wits University. And he is currently supervising 15 students towards their Honours, Masters and PhDs at Wits University.

On the 1st July 2024, Dr. Farai Mlambo joined the Wits Business School (WBS) as Senior Lecturer in Digital (Data Analytics) Business. He is open to Masters and PhD supervision at WBS for topics in Digital Business, Data Analytics, Data Science, Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence with interdisciplinary applications in Business, Economics, Finance, Energy and Health.

Dr. Farai is currently doing his second PhD in Computer Science with the Academy of Computer Science and Software Engineering at the University of Johannesburg.

Dr. Farai is also the Founder of Statistics 4 non-Statisticians where he offers free help to postgraduate students, academics and researchers from non-Statistics majors with Statistical analysis.

He is well-known for his jokes in the classroom which are enjoyed by many of his students.

Dr. Farai Mlambo is married to a beautiful lady from Port Elizabeth and he is a father to three boys.

Inspirational Letter by Dr. Farai Mlambo:

My high school journey began at Mt. Selinda Mission School, where I completed my O-Levels. However, my time there was marked by mischief, and I was not allowed to return for A-Levels due to my behavior. I then attended Chikore Mission School, but my path there was also marred by poor choices. I indulged in drinking, smoking, and bullying, among other things. My behavior led to my expulsion, and I found myself at a crossroads, staying at home and contemplating my future.

After some time, I decided to give school another try and enrolled at Gaza High School. However, my reputation seemed to follow me. Despite being there for only about a week and not having done anything wrong, I was expelled again. The leadership’s words still resonate with me: “We didn’t know it was you when we accepted you.”

Feeling dejected but not defeated, I prayed for guidance and another opportunity. God’s mercy shone through when a kind teacher recommended that I consider Chibuwe High School, a place far from where I was known and judged. This distance provided me with a fresh start, an opportunity to prove to myself and others that I was more than my past mistakes. At Chibuwe High School, I focused on my studies and began to understand the value of education. This experience taught me that every setback is a setup for a comeback, and it deepened my faith in God’s plan for my life.

Completing high school was a significant milestone, but it was just the beginning. The trials I faced and overcame ignited a passion for education within me. Who could have imagined that, through all this, I would complete my PhD at 30, secure a full-time academic position at one of the best universities in Africa at 28, and obtain 15 academic awards? I thank God for giving me another opportunity in life.

Today, as an educator, I strive to inspire and uplift my students, reminding them that no matter how many times they stumble, they can always rise again. My journey is a testament to the fact that, with God’s grace, determination, and the right opportunities, anyone can turn their life around.

To anyone who feels lost or has faced rejection, remember this: Your past does not define you. Each day is a new chance to rewrite your story. Embrace the opportunities that come your way, learn from your mistakes, and never lose faith in God’s purpose for your life. Remember, every decision you make has a consequence. Let your past mistakes not define your destiny.

I am deeply committed to using my journey to inspire and uplift others. If my story can motivate even one person to persevere against the odds, then every challenge I faced has been worthwhile.

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